What is the difference between Piston rod shaft seal and piston seal ring?
 Jun 19, 2020|View:321

What is the difference between Piston rod shaft seal and piston seal ring?

In our understanding, what is the Piston rod shaft seal? What is the piston seal ring before Yuanhua tells you what is the piston seal ring and Piston rod shaft seal? The

piston is a reciprocating part in the cylinder block of an automobile engine. The piston rod is the connecting part which supports the piston to do work. Most of them are

used in the moving parts of cylinder and cylinder. It is a moving part with frequent movement and high technical requirements. Let's learn more about the difference

between the piston and the Piston rod shaft seal?

What is the difference between Piston rod shaft seal and piston seal ring?

The biggest difference is that the piston seal ring is the shaft seal ring, and the Piston rod shaft seal is the hole seal ring. The oil cylinder is composed of cylinder block,

piston, piston rod, cylinder head and sealing ring.

Piston seal ring refers to the seal between the cylinder block and the piston. If the seal is not good, the performance of the cylinder will be affected. The seal groove is

opened on the piston.

Piston rod shaft seal refers to the seal between piston rod and cylinder head. If the seal is not good, oil will leak. The seal groove is opened on the hole.

The seal groove on the shaft should be sealed, that is to say, the piston seal, (the hole uses the seal ring), and the seal groove on the hole should be sealed, that is,

the piston rod seal, (the shaft uses the seal ring).

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